EmpyrealSDK Solution

Modular Approach

EmpyrealSDK adopts a unique modular approach, consisting of distinct modules within the SDK that serve as self-contained units of execution and can be stacked as needed to create or support individual products. Each module simplifies and encapsulates a specific functionality, such as a swapping mechanism in the DEX module. This approach reduces the need for users to possess in-depth knowledge of smart contract architecture and specialized domain expertise.

While our development team is currently spearheading the creation of these modules, we also have a forward-looking interest in initiating open-source development and collaborating with external project teams.

Furthermore, while we initially focus on specific applications to meet current demands, we also intend to generalize these modules to enhance their utility across various use cases. For example, with our Data Streaming module we aim to provide an efficient means of aggregating and collecting real-time price and market data for the DeFi space, where such functionality is currently lacking despite the publicly accessible nature of this data on-chain. Likewise, there is a lot of complexity in wallet abstraction and secure management of users for application developers. There is a significant benefit to developers in providing them with a framework that can abstract a significant amount of the complexity in their Web3 integrations.

Language Integration

EmpyrealSDK is built using a REST API and cloud native infrastructure for its backend, and an object-oriented SDK that abstracts this SDK for users. Initially, we targeted Python for development, anticipating its rising popularity in data-centric blockchain application development. However, we also recognize the predominant position of TypeScript/JavaScript and plan to release a TypeScript SDK once the API is stable.

One significant advantage of our approach is that it eases the complexity inherent in Web3 development. Typically, developers need a deep understanding of Solidity and knowledge of the Application Binary Interface (ABI) for contract interaction. EmpyrealSDK simplifies the interaction with smart contracts, eliminating the need to delve into method invocations and related complexities. This enables a smoother development pathway for applications like automated trading systems and market making, without requiring mastery of Solidity or in-depth understanding of each protocol's intricacies.

Furthermore, our approach offers flexibility and adaptability in developing various trading systems and strategies. For example, it enables the creation of monitors to detect large trades in the mempool and dynamically adjust collateral or leverage in response to potential risks in a cross-margin system. Additionally, it paves the way for the development of applications beyond a single use case, such as Telegram bots, by providing a user-friendly interface that data scientists and analysts, who may lack Solidity expertise, can utilize to construct sophisticated investment strategies and interact with multiple protocols. This broadens the range of yield opportunities and facilitates engagement with different blockchain protocols without the need for extensive protocol-specific learning.

The Enclave and Oasis Sapphire Integration

EmpyreEmpyrealSDK includes the Enclave module, a solution in decentralized finance (DeFi) that combines transaction privacy with yield generation, and which won top prize in its category in Oasis’s Privacy4Web3 Hackathon 2023 for “Best use of Sapphire for scalable privacy.” By integrating an encryption methodology for transactions and enabling yield generation, EmpyrealSDK aims to bridge the gap between financial privacy and capital efficiency. This is achieved through the use of the first confidential Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which overlays on Oasis Sapphire, resulting in an encrypted state. With this mechanism, token holders can participate in activities such as wrapping into the Enclave, executing transactions, and unwrapping tokens back to their chosen wallet, all while maintaining end-to-end encryption. Even Empyreal cannot decipher the activities within the Enclave.

The technical framework of the Enclave establishes a secure and hidden transactional environment where asset control, transfer, and management occur privately, without compromising operational efficiency. Users can generate private keys for encryption, and the flexibility of a second private key helps minimize risks associated with potential loss or security breaches. EmpyrealSDK strives to merge security with user-friendly transactional experiences. The Enclave ensures that transactions from deposit to withdrawal are executed with a comprehensive veil of confidentiality, keeping financial activities concealed within the Enclave and introducing a new dynamic to the conventional blockchain transaction environment.

With the Enclave, our goal is to create a scenario where DeFi aligns not only with transparency but also with the benefits of privacy. This methodology not only facilitates private token transactions but also establishes a robust layer above the existing DeFi ecosystem that is resistant to Maximal Extractable Value (MEV). By ensuring user transaction privacy, interactions with protocols can occur without the inherent risk of frontrunning or being identified by copytraders.

Automation & Bots

The versatility of EmpyrealSDK extends beyond specific use-cases like bots and applies to any blockchain application that requires automation. While existing frameworks may not offer comprehensive solutions for certain tasks, such as setting limit orders, EmpyrealSDK aims to provide a robust framework that allows users to develop trading strategies or automate any blockchain interaction. The ultimate goal is to create a framework that is comparable to Apache Airflow in Web 2.0 development, capable of managing automation for users and facilitating the creation of complex, potentially interconnected pipelines. These pipelines can trigger actions within a Web3 environment, empowering developers to build larger scale applications.

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